Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I finished the quilt for my grandfather for his Birthday. I stitched an Idaho Beauty quilt for him from the "More Nickel Quilts" book by Pat Speth.

I also finished my Calendar Quilt. This was such a fun project... and I stitched two more DJ blocks. My new numbers are 70,21.3.1886. I'm eager to get to the next benchmark which is 75 blocks. I went through all my blocks the other day and found two that absolutely must be restitched. I have learned so much with this project it is still an appropriate name that I gave my baby Jane..."In Leornian Tide" (In Learning Time)

I am making Apple Butter today~! The recipe is at if you want to make some with me!

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Quilla Quilter said...

Hey Keri,
Your "Idaho Beauty" quilt is lovely. That would be a great pattern for me to make to remember Idaho by! :) You have been a busy little stitcher!