After much contemplation, I thought I could try and create a word document and paste in my photos and be able to see my Sylvia's Bridal Quilt as it progresses. I scanned all the swap blocks that I want to use for my "Sylvia's colors Bridal Quilt" with the blocks that I have made on my own and put them on the chart, so now I actually can get an idea where I am in the process and what blocks I have left to make! Cool huh????
Here are the names of the ladies and the blocks that they contributed to the quilt through the first SBS swap:
A-3 Shannon Shaw
A-5 May Irene Bjornemyr
A-9 Sandra McLay
B-1 May-Irene Bjornemyr
B-2 May-Irene Bjornemyr
B-5 Dot Colna
B-9 Trisha Lee Chubbs
C-1 Contrary Husband
C-8 Valerie Langue
C-9 Dot Colna
C-10 Donna Farley
D-2 Karen Hallman
D-10 Donna Farley
E-7 Sandra McLay
E-8 Donna Farley
F-7 Sandi Harrah
F-8 Donna Farley
F-10 Donna Farley
G-7 Debbie Frey
G-10 Yvonne Bagnell
H-9 Debbie Frey
J-1 Wendy Jones
J-4 Katherine Hannan
J-5 Yvonne Bagnell
J-6 Trisha Lee Chubbs
J-8 Yvonne Bagnell
J-9 lost the tag ! Please let me know if you recognize your block
K-2 Melissa Maloof
K-7 Bridgette Hardy]
K-8 Shelley Stevens
K-9 May Irene Bjornemyr
L-6 Yvonne Bagnell
L-10 Katherine Hannan
M-4 Pamela Bruner
M-5Bridgette Hardy
N-1 Wendy Jones
N-2 Yvonne Bagnell
N-5 Jennifer Chiaverini
N-10 Katherine Hannan
Here are the names of the ladies whose blocks I will use in my Blue/Cream quilt: Katherine Hallman C-6 Crossed Canoes
Simone de Haan M-10 Key West Beauty
Joey Brede E-10 Hunter’s Star
Joan Sheridan E-8 Lincoln’s Platform
Susy Parrott I-1 True Lovers Knot
Florine Miller A-7 Cats and Mice
Carol Huddy L-9 Rolling Stone
Dorien Schaap B-7 Swamp Patch
Francisca Reit K-1 Road to Oklahoma
Yvonne Bagnell L-8 Kansas Troubles
Fran Threewit K-7 Sickle
Carolyn Bierworth L-6 Steps to the Altar
Shannon Shaw M-8 Dogtooth Violet
Tanya Anderson G-3 Bear’s Paw
Anne Ida Rokeness N-7 Duck and Ducklings
Bridgette Hardy I-4 Anvil
Linda Egge M-5 Ohio Star
Asa Holmer H-2 Wedding Ring
Caroline VanMaele D-10 Boy’s Nonsense
Nicki Bauer D-4 Rambler
Valerie Langue F-10 Aunt Sukey’s Choice
Sandi Harrah H-4 Dove in the Window
Anneliies Van den Bergh F-2 Ladies’ Aid Album/D-9 Orange Peel
Janet Elia H-5 Sylvia’s Shooting Star
Rebecca Abney B-7 Swamp Patch
Kathy Oppelt A-3 Bright Hopes
Linda Diaz A-9 Chinese Coin
Mary Ayres C-4 Sisters Choice
Sandra McLay G-3 Bear’s Paw
Trisha Lee Chubbs H-3 Sarah’s Favorite
Kathy Hardy F-3 Bow Tie
Beth Arenburg I-4 Anvil
Katherine Hannan C-5 Lady of the Lake
Gladys Thompson G-7 Sarah’s Favorite
Donna Farley I-3 Dutchman’s Puzzle
Shelley Stevens K-2 The Friendship Quilt
Lou Jane Gatford L-10 Contrary Wife
Anne K. Moore I-8 Birds in the Air
Elise Fare L-4 Brides Bouquet
Karen Hallman G-1 Love in a Mist
Dorthy Colna M-4 Jack in the Box
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, so much for all the beautiful blocks. They are treasures to me! I can hardly wait to stitch the quilts!