Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ninety DJ Blocks

Monday, October 22, 2007
Last week's progress and This Week's Commitment
I had trouble getting photos to post last week so my posts are a little behind :) Here are the DJ blocks that I finished last week :) my new numbers are 86 blocks,21 triangles, 3 corners, 2215 pieces.
my five things for my CTL this week are to
1)make my NJQS block (finished 10/23)
2)make four DJ Blocks: E-13, F-1,F-12 and F-13 (finished 10/24)
3)finish one of the quilting "to do's" that are on the list
4)Clean the carpets and keep the house clean for Friday's after-game party
5)Do my daily devotional reading ON TIME! and finish "Knit One, Kill Two" what a super book :) (finished KOKT on 10/22)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ice Cream Cake
One 9"x13" cake
Two boxes of ice cream
One can of frosting
Make your favorite cake in a 9"13" pan
(grease and flour the sides for easily removal from the pan)
Once cooled, place it in the center of your serving platter.
Make sure that you have space in your freezer!!!
Now is the time to make sure! Place the cake in the freezer
for a while till chilled.
box of your favorite ice cream and soften it slightly.
Any flavor will work it just needs to be in a box.
Cut the box of ice cream in half lengthwise so you
have two rectangles of ice cream. Place each half
of the ice cream on the cake. Trim the cake so the
sides are even with the ice cream and then place it
back in the freezer while you work on the next part...
Take another box of your favorite flavor ice cream
(just a plain one like chocolate, vanilla or strawberry-
no mixed in things like nuts, chips etc...) and put it in a
mixing bowl, a stand mixer works best. Whip the ice
cream until it is a nice frosting like spreading consistency.
Remove the
ice cream so it completely covers over the tops and sides and
is nice and smooth. Work quickly and then put the cake, again,
back in the freezer.
After a few hours you can remove the cake from the freezer and use a decorator tip and pipe the frosting around the edges of the cake as desired, then put it back in the freezer until 5-10 minutes before serving time.
slice and ENJOY!!!
The cake in the photo did not get its finished picture taken... I put some mini chocolate chips on top and ran to my sons football game! They won "Yay!" and our friends came over to celebrate afterwards and then...it was gone :)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Topsy Turvy Scarecrows are all finished! I had to stand way back in order to fit the quilt into a photo to show you. I have put all of the Bulls Eye blocks together now and I ordered my border and backing fabric so that I can finish it. Today I am working on my DJ BOW and I'll post more later. hugs, Keri
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
A Commitment to Loveliness!

I just found Emma's blog because of Tamera's Blog, and I am so excited to begin Emma's weekly challenges...all we have to do is... "choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!"
I think that we are supposed to make the list on Sunday and then fulfill it during the week but I will start today! I have already been really challenged and blessed by Tilde's great Cinderella'ing tips (which must be restarted now!) and now I will try to work on Emma's as well.
I think that first on the list will be my hair. I have very long straight hair and I found out yesterday that I will have to get glasses. I always wanted glasses but now that I actually have to get them and "wear them all the time" (Dr. said) I am thinking thoughts like...How does one wear glasses all the time? I wear my sunglasses alot, but my hair really bugs me and gets caught up in my lanyard and frames sometimes when I have my sunglasses on. I have untill the 13th to think about it...Well, not actually that long becuase I will have to make an appointment and have whatever I'm going to do done, yikes, what to do... perm it again? Cut it off? both????#1 is consider what to do, if anything, with my hair...
The other thing is to make a commitment to excercise...something like "three times this week I will actually do something active and get my heart rate up"...I feel so much better after I excercise and I know this, really do!...But I find so many excuses not to "Just do it" so...should I just buy the treadmill or should I get the gym membership down the street? If I bought the treadmill then where would I put it? Would I actually go and excercise down the street if I bought the membership?
hmmm...my goal will be this week is #2 Decide what to do about my lack of excercise AND do something about it! how's that????
3 and 4. SEWING
sewing goals...I could easily make five sewing goals for the week but I will limit this area to one or two in order to appear like a balanced individual who isn't consumed by quilting and threads and fabrics of all colors, shades, patterns and styles and... ;) teehee
sewing projects for this week..... The beautiful bulls eyes from the swap are calling me from their plastic bags.... and the scarecrows are almost done! I will add Pat's corn cob block to this list and of course my DJ Bow and the NJQS Block too....ooops I think that is more than two but no one is counting right???
I received the Jane Austen collection for my B-day and I haven't even cracked it open yet. I do so much reading during our home schooling time that I don't do a lot of reading just for myself other than my daily devotional time... I have loved the Praying the Names of Jesus book by Ann Spangler. Wow, it is a wonderful study. and..I signed up to read the October book with the Pat Sloan group and got it from the library...It is called "Knit One, Quilt Two", I love a great mystery :) so I will make that my final goal... #5 start the book!
Thanks again, when I think about it, the internet has been such a blessing to me, to be able to connect with so many wonderful ladies who are so willing to share their creativity and talent with those of us who, well, really desperately need their inspiration! LOL
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Do you EQ?

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Fall Colors
The Scarecrows are from the "Topsy-Turvy Scarecrows" pattern and they are in the process of getting their mahine buttonhole stitch and then they will get their hay/yarn and quilting.
The Nine patch quilt is in the process of being appliqued. I am adding some flowers to the center star and th outside border and then it will be ready to move to the "To Be Quilted" list...
I added those lists to my Blog today. To see them written down inspires me to get moving on them nd I hope will help me keep track of my "TO DO's".
I also quilted a few blocks on the Jack's Chain last night. Just a few more blocks to go and it will come off the frame.
I'm still waiting for the Bulls Eye Blocks Swap to be returned. I am getting impatient LOL! If you haven't seen the tutorial yet it is really well done and you can see it at Busy Mama's Webshots Page (just click on the name to go there)
I am feeling like I am catching a cold today. The weather has turned really, really cold here and we all were wishing for long unds at the football game on Friday night...I am trying to fight it off so I probably will play hookey from church today. This week's study on Praying the Name of Jesus was wonderful! I hope that you will join us when we start a new study towards December. Have a great day,
Friday, September 21, 2007
SBS chart update

I also stitched about eight more blocks, I had so much fun stitching yesterday!
Today is house cleaning day and we are going to a football game tonight and invited some friends over for pie after the game... so I need to get baking and cleaning! have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Here are the names of the ladies and the blocks that they contributed to the quilt through the first SBS swap:
A-3 Shannon Shaw
A-5 May Irene Bjornemyr
A-9 Sandra McLay
B-1 May-Irene Bjornemyr
B-2 May-Irene Bjornemyr
B-5 Dot Colna
B-9 Trisha Lee Chubbs
C-1 Contrary Husband
C-8 Valerie Langue
C-9 Dot Colna
C-10 Donna Farley
D-2 Karen Hallman
D-10 Donna Farley
E-7 Sandra McLay
E-8 Donna Farley
F-7 Sandi Harrah
F-8 Donna Farley
F-10 Donna Farley
G-7 Debbie Frey
G-10 Yvonne Bagnell
H-9 Debbie Frey
J-1 Wendy Jones
J-4 Katherine Hannan
J-5 Yvonne Bagnell
J-6 Trisha Lee Chubbs
J-8 Yvonne Bagnell
J-9 lost the tag ! Please let me know if you recognize your block
K-2 Melissa Maloof
K-7 Bridgette Hardy]
K-8 Shelley Stevens
K-9 May Irene Bjornemyr
L-6 Yvonne Bagnell
L-10 Katherine Hannan
M-4 Pamela Bruner
M-5Bridgette Hardy
N-1 Wendy Jones
N-2 Yvonne Bagnell
N-5 Jennifer Chiaverini
N-10 Katherine Hannan
Here are the names of the ladies whose blocks I will use in my Blue/Cream quilt:Katherine Hallman C-6 Crossed Canoes
Simone de Haan M-10 Key West Beauty
Joey Brede E-10 Hunter’s Star
Joan Sheridan E-8 Lincoln’s Platform
Susy Parrott I-1 True Lovers Knot
Florine Miller A-7 Cats and Mice
Carol Huddy L-9 Rolling Stone
Dorien Schaap B-7 Swamp Patch
Yvonne Bagnell L-8
Fran Threewit K-7 Sickle
Carolyn Bierworth L-6 Steps to the Altar
Shannon Shaw M-8 Dogtooth Violet
Tanya Anderson G-3 Bear’s Paw
Anne Ida Rokeness N-7 Duck and Ducklings
Bridgette Hardy I-4 Anvil
Linda Egge M-5
Asa Holmer H-2 Wedding Ring
Caroline VanMaele D-10 Boy’s Nonsense
Nicki Bauer D-4 Rambler
Valerie Langue F-10 Aunt Sukey’s Choice
Sandi Harrah H-4 Dove in the Window
Anneliies Van den Bergh F-2 Ladies’ Aid Album/D-9 Orange Peel
Janet Elia H-5 Sylvia’s Shooting Star
Rebecca Abney B-7 Swamp Patch
Kathy Oppelt A-3 Bright Hopes
Linda Diaz A-9 Chinese Coin
Mary Ayres C-4 Sisters Choice
Sandra McLay G-3 Bear’s Paw
Trisha Lee Chubbs H-3 Sarah’s Favorite
Kathy Hardy F-3 Bow Tie
Beth Arenburg I-4 Anvil
Katherine Hannan C-5 Lady of the
Gladys Thompson G-7 Sarah’s Favorite
Donna Farley I-3 Dutchman’s Puzzle
Shelley Stevens K-2 The Friendship Quilt
Lou Jane Gatford L-10 Contrary Wife
Anne K. Moore I-8 Birds in the Air
Elise Fare L-4 Brides Bouquet
Karen Hallman G-1 Love in a Mist
Dorthy Colna M-4 Jack in the Box
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, so much for all the beautiful blocks. They are treasures to me! I can hardly wait to stitch the quilts!
Diamond Jane and SBS Swap Blocks

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Quilty stuff
I also took a photo of my "Farmers Market" quilt blocks that I am stitching along with Pat Sloan at her website. She offers the patterns for free on her website at: http://www.quiltershome.com/farmers.htm
I just finished the pie block. I love these they are so quick and fun to sew! I am getting a little better at the buttonhole stitch, adding buttons and ribbon and making "donut fusible s"!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Swaps, Swaps, Swaps
The Sylvia's Bridal Swap blocks are going to be exchanged on Saturday so they will be arriving soon and I signed up for a pumpkin swap in October....Lots to look forward too! VBG...quilts and swaps do go together... Not sure who said that originally...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Janiac Maniac

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Calendar Quilt Top
Friday, August 17, 2007
Friday...Finishes, Frustrations, Finality and the Future
The stripes really bugged me and that is why it ended up in the box and not finished right away. I should have used the paisley fabric in the inside squares instead of repeating the stripes...But to end on an optimistic note, I am learning a lot with each project that I do! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...
The jack's chain quilt is almost done too. I think that I told you that I had moved it to the living room behind the couch but I had to move it back into the sewing room after I kicked it and broke my toe two days ago...You might have heard me yell...No, I promise not to show you any pictures of my toe! On the happy thought note: I am still stitching at least one thread a day on it and now all that is left is the very top row of nine patches!!!
I am also working on finishing the calendar quilt (Pat Sloan). I still have a few more apliques that I want to fuse on there and once that is altogether it will be quilted and the DJ siggie quilt (on my sewing room wall) and the quilting the psalms quilt are next on the quilting list too!
So, I'm glad to have a few finishes and a few things that are in line to be finished too. I love what you said, Martha, about PPD, (post project depression) I realize now that maybe I keep a few in line so that I won't have to worry that the last thing I finished will be the last thing I finish. I need to have something to look forward to and I need to believe that there IS something to look forward too...I need...many, even if they are little, happy project thoughts...
My quilt project to-do list:
Quilting: Calendar quilt, DJ siggie quilt, Psalms quilt
Setting: Spring Fling quilt, Dick and Jane swap quilt, Nine Patch Swap quilt
Piecing: NJQS blocks, SBS blocks, DJ blocks,
Have a very Happy Friday, and many HPT's (Happy Project Thoughts) to you and yours!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
August Ogres and stuff
Have a lovely saturday!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
August Activities
Wow, I can't believe that it has been two months since I last posted. We went to the Oregon Coast and visited my family and we went up to MT and visited Lorilylee! ( Hi Lorilylee!) and we have been enjoying summer visits with friends, swim lessons for the kids, BBQ's and Potlucks and other summery stuff...
I am working on a few projects: I finished my quilting the Psalms top, although I am considering adding a white outside border to it. I have almost finished the Inklingo star struck swap quilt top. I'm on the last row of the Jack's Chain quilting. It seems like a long row looming ahead of me. I have been sewing weekly blocks for the Praying the Names of Jesus study, and I pieced a heart watercolor top from Carol Honderich.
The Jack's Chain has been so overwhelming at times. When I expressed my frustration to my friend, she told me "that is why they have quilting bees" Oh, I can understand much better now . We have been having craft nites at church a few times a month and it has been bringing together ladies of all ages to chat, have some tea and cake, and work on a hand craft project. The social time is what I look forward to but there are always threads that get done in my Inklingo top too and that is encouraging.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Cross and Crown Swap Block

I made the first of the Cross and Crown Block for the SBS swap. Just four more to go and I will be able to send off the blocks to Jennifer. I am feeling relieved to be finishing up early. They are not due until the end of August...but with all the summer activities coming, I was hoping to get ahead :0)