I am following two Studies,
Wendy Blight is doing an amazing study on the life of David, and I have got behind on that and on the Mary and Martha study with
"Life's not Always Hummingbird's and Fireflies"More guilt... I didn't exercise this weekend, I felt great on Saturday morning and then woke up from a nap and couldn't turn my head my shoulder and back hurt sooooo badly. So I am behind now in the P90x journey too.... sigh...
But today, the house is clean and baby safe and the Birthday cake is baked not decorated yet and the decorations for the dining area are up and the roast is in the crock pot... and I did my daily bible reading and helped the kids with their schooling today... so, I did some good things mixed in with the things that I haven't done yet...
prioritizing is hard for me. I want to be proud of my accomplishments and let go of the things that are not so urgent and not feel so guilty or overwhelmed. There are so so many good things to do. They all have a cost. I need to choose which good things I need to do and go do them!
Just for today, that is all I have to do!
Love Jesus and let everything else fall in to its place. Thank you Jesus! It is a beautiful fall day, breezy and cool, the leaves are orange and red and falling. The boys have almost finished their school assignments and then they will clean up the yard for tonight's Birthday party.