Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Duathlon Plan
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Peace Over Anxiety
"God knows that only He is able to counter the power that anxiety can exert over our lives. If you are anxious, you are to give it over to God completely, totally, without reserve. You are also to adjust your thinking from being anxious to being grateful, which is quite a shift! Being grateful, however, is a very useful tool because it forces you to concentrate on the good things instead of the bad."
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Football has begun :D

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A RedLetter Giveaway :D

Like a Warm Cup of Coffee is giving away a RedLetter picture today! How exciting! Don't miss entering!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
just for today

Monday, August 16, 2010
Twelve Things I want to do

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
St. Dimitri's Poem
Come, my Light, and illumine my darkness.
Come, my Life, and revive me from death.
Come, my Physician, and heal my wounds.
Come, my Flame of divine love, and burn up the thorns of my sins, kindling my heart with the flame of thy love.
Come, my King, sit upon the throne of my heart and reign there.
For Thou alone art my King and my Lord.
St. Dimitrii of Rostov, 17th Century (Oxford Book of Prayer)
Monday, August 09, 2010
thinking of a couple of things...
Saturday, August 07, 2010
I want to read this over and over again...I choose to trust Him
I had an image in my head of me, standing on a beach with the water lapping against the shoreline. I pictured a line being drawn in the sand and I knew in that moment I could choose Him, or I could choose fear. But I couldn’t choose both…they couldn’t coexist together.
I chose Him.
I chose to believe in God just as much as I believed in my mother’s words when I was a scared little girl.
I chose to trust Him.
Recently, I’ve been asked by many people how I can do that. How can I trust someone, even if that someone is God, when I know that He could have spared me from all of this? How can I trust a God who allows hurt to happen when He has the power to take it all away?
My answer: God fixes what is broken. I trust Him to fix my broken places.
But you can’t fix what isn’t broken.
I don’t believe God did this to me to teach a lesson or to prove a point. There are many reasons I could be sick, and Him inflicting this on me isn’t one of them. But I do believe He didn’t stop it for a reason. Life breaks us sometimes. We have the free will to make decisions that will break us. Other people have the free will to take actions that will break us. Genetics can play a role in making us sick, and that can break us.
I have been through things that have broken my life. And I trust Him to never leave me there. He is the Father who will pick me up when I am fallen, broken, hurt, tired. And He is the Father who fixes me in those broken places. He fixes my spirit, my heart, my sadness, my loneliness. He brings joy and peace and refuge so I am stronger now than before I was broken.
He watched the pieces fall apart, but only so He could put me back together the right way. When life happens and I feel like things are falling apart, breaking into pieces, I just remind myself that He can’t fix what isn’t broken.
And I trust Him to make me whole in the image of His sight, not mine.
As it should be.
the five people you meet at small group
some encouragement...
From In Courage today:
"All my life I have believed the wrong things about myself.
I have believed that I am not acceptablebecause of what I look like or what I weigh. I have believed that I am not valuablebecause of the talents and gifts that I lack. I have believed that I am not lovable simply because of who I am not.
You, beloved daughter of the King, are made holy.
You are accepted because He is holy.
Loved because He is holy.
Forgiven because He is holy.
Made holy because He is holy."
One of the things that Andrea says is that we should do the Beth Moore study on Daniel... I have such a hard time with Beth Moore studies, am I the only one that starts them and never finishes? and all the questions, it gets discouraging if I am not held accountable and I don't know if I could go to another bible study and get crushed by the gossip and general unloveliness again...