Saturday, July 31, 2010
Books I have read this year
I added a list of the books I have read so far this year, it has occurred to me that after I read them I should write what I thought of the book. I just finished "They went to Baghdad" by Agatha Christie, I loved it! Veronica was the main character and she is a lovable young woman who has the bad habit of being a compulsive liar. She ends up it the midst of a post World War II International scheme of communists verses the free world. It was very witty and exciting too!
Friday, July 30, 2010
I heard this prayer today and just thought it was awesome to say before we read our Bibles:
This is my Bible
I am what it says I am
I have what it says I have
I can do what it says I can do
Today I will learn the word of God
My mind is alert
My heart is receptive
I will never be the same
In Jesus' name, Amen
Thursday, July 29, 2010
A prayer from Wendy Blight...
Father, strengthen me with Your Helmet of Salvation…the Mind of Christ… so that I can stand against worldly thinking and the lies of the evil one.
Father, cover my heart with the Breastplate of Righteousness. Thank You that Jesus defeated the power of sin at the cross and forgave me of all unrighteousness. Jesus died for me sins; He covered me with His blood, and He made me righteous in Your eyes. There is no greater gift!
Father, gird me with the Belt of Truth. I believe with all my heart that Your Word is Truth and it is that Truth and that Truth alone that sets me free. I choose to believe Your Truth and reject the lies of the evil one. I stand against his temptations, his deception, and his accusations. I only want to hear Your voice.
Father, I put on the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. Make me ready to march into any battle set before me. Fill me with Your peace and help me live in peace with everyone. I choose to be an instrument of Your peace, and I stand ready to give an account for the faith I have in You today. I choose to always forgive and not harbor anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness in my heart.
Father, I hold up the Shield of Faith. I trust and believe You at Your Word that You are the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Great I AM. You alone are the Author and Perfecter of my faith. I trust You to meet all my needs. I do not have a spirit of fear…but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Finally, Father, I take up the Sword of the Spirit. Jesus is the Word of God living in me. I am Your child. I am filled with Your Spirit. I choose to live my life according Your Word. I choose to believe TRUTH over lies. Pour out Your Truth and Your Spirit over my life. Fill me with all wisdom and understanding. I choose this day to serve You and You alone.
Thank You, Father, for Your mighty weapons. Thank You that You have already won this battle. Thank You that in You I am a VICTOR. Thank You that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You that You who live in me is greater than he who lives in the world. Today I live in complete and utter dependence on You and You alone. Father, fill me with the fullness of Your Spirit. Father, use me to do Your Kingdom work. Father, show me Your Glory!!! I ask all this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
What would change?
If I really believed all that I wrote yesterday... How would my life look different? Am I a witness for Jesus to everyone that I talk too? Everyone who knows me or who I come across every day?
I want to believe in Romans eight... to be truly the woman that God created me to be, I want to believe that I am more than a conqueror, that Jesus is for me and that nothing can separate me from His love, that He wants to be my savior, my counselor, my helper. How amazing that thought is...
I got to go Mtn. Biking today and got to help a lady who got hurt when she crashed. It felt amazing to have confidence to help her, I miss my CNA job...
Friday, July 23, 2010
from InCourage today...
I can't remember where I read these words. But they impacted me so much, I jotted them down on the back of a receipt and held them close.
What I want my children to know:
- They were created by God.
- They aren't an accident or an afterthought.
- They were created for a special purpose.
- God has a divine plan for their lives.
- God has gifted them with unique abilities to see His purpose fulfilled.
I wanted to rewrite this and really try to believe it, to know it for myself too:
I was created by God, I am not an accident or an afterthought, I was created for a special purpose,God has a divine plan for my life, god has gifted me with unique abilities to see His purpose fulfilled... Can you say this is true for you too? Do you believe it? Do you know it deep in the innermost depths of your heart?
Recovering from surgery has left me thirty pounds heavier than before. I am trying to get back up to speed with my exercise regime, I still dream about the Ironman, but I don't think I will be doing any competitions this year. The Dr. said six months before energy levels return to normal.
I am inspired by two things today: Jen fit's blog and the wonderful article on hip muscle pain. My pain is due to adhesions as a result of scar tissue I think... I got a coupon on the door for a massage therapist in town yesterday and feel as though it is not a coincidence to go and talk to them and have the information Jen gave as a strengthener to go and get a massage....Also inspiring is the protein bakery, I think I can come up with a cookie for the competition, I have an idea and am ready to experiment :D
Today my goal is to ride thirteen miles on the road bike and go to the deep water aerobic class. If I can make it to zumba I will go, it starts right after the water class, I don't know if there is time in between to dry off and change.... My friend invited me over this afternoon to visit too, busy day but I am looking forward to it.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Truth
"Our only hope is to realize that our value is not determined by what we do or who we are or even how others see us, but simply by how God views us.
Here’s just a taste of what He says about you:
* I chose you before the world was created (Ephesians 1:4)
* I made every part of you and I call you wonderful (Psalm 139:14)
* I loved you before you could love me back (1 John 4:9)
* I loved you enough to die for you (John 3:16)
* I have always loved you and will always love you (Psalm 103:17).
* Others may reject you, but I will not (Psalm 27:10).
The next time you are tempted to let the expectations of others define you, give yourself a heavy dose of Truth! God loves you deeply. That has always been true and will always be true. Study His Word and learn His expectations for your life. Let Him define who you are."
Here’s just a taste of what He says about you:
* I chose you before the world was created (Ephesians 1:4)
* I made every part of you and I call you wonderful (Psalm 139:14)
* I loved you before you could love me back (1 John 4:9)
* I loved you enough to die for you (John 3:16)
* I have always loved you and will always love you (Psalm 103:17).
* Others may reject you, but I will not (Psalm 27:10).
The next time you are tempted to let the expectations of others define you, give yourself a heavy dose of Truth! God loves you deeply. That has always been true and will always be true. Study His Word and learn His expectations for your life. Let Him define who you are."
from Erin Davis
Thursday, July 08, 2010
2010 Long Walk
Yesterday was the DAB long walk and I did it for the first time. I have been following all year it is very exciting for me, I have never read through the whole Bible before. I did not go for a walk by myself but with my sons and my friend and her daughters. We had a picnic and took a long walk along the Boise River. I could not find the camera so no photos. Talking with my friend was such a joy. We talked about Jesus. What it means to be the woman that He would want us to be. We cried and we laughed and we played with the kids and enjoyed the beauty and walked alot :D
Some of the stories from the long walk can be found here. I happened to click on the link from one gentlemen who took photos of his walk in England. Here is one of the photos. So beautiful. Thank you Jesus for your creation, especially the sound of the water, the green everywhere, and for the tiniest to the largest animals... You are amazing God!
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Independence Day
The only constant in life is change...
I'm not sure who said it but I am living it. I am letting go of all those from my old church, and all who did not help but gossiped, who did not love but stabbed me. I forgive them totally completely, I have nothing that I require from any of them. I am leaving them behind and letting go. They can do as they wish, say what they want, it is none of my business what they think of me. This is my goal for today. I am cleaning up my email and friends lists. I will focus on the next right thing to do for me today and what God has called me to do today for my family. I will live today, free in the knowledge that it does not matter what men can do to me, I only desire to serve Jesus in all that I am.
Friday, July 02, 2010
I got stabbed in the heart and ripped open today... I remembered this posted a few days ago,
so I have been thinking over and over forgiveness is not quitting...Forgiveness is not quitting it is not weakness, it is strength... not forgiving will just hurt me, not them, they are not affected by what they have done to me. I can choose to forgive and be free... Jesus help me please!

from the Brave Girls Club:
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