The Sylvia's Bridal Swap blocks are going to be exchanged on Saturday so they will be arriving soon and I signed up for a pumpkin swap in October....Lots to look forward too! VBG...quilts and swaps do go together... Not sure who said that originally...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Swaps, Swaps, Swaps
The Sylvia's Bridal Swap blocks are going to be exchanged on Saturday so they will be arriving soon and I signed up for a pumpkin swap in October....Lots to look forward too! VBG...quilts and swaps do go together... Not sure who said that originally...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Janiac Maniac

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Calendar Quilt Top
Friday, August 17, 2007
Friday...Finishes, Frustrations, Finality and the Future
The stripes really bugged me and that is why it ended up in the box and not finished right away. I should have used the paisley fabric in the inside squares instead of repeating the stripes...But to end on an optimistic note, I am learning a lot with each project that I do! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...
The jack's chain quilt is almost done too. I think that I told you that I had moved it to the living room behind the couch but I had to move it back into the sewing room after I kicked it and broke my toe two days ago...You might have heard me yell...No, I promise not to show you any pictures of my toe! On the happy thought note: I am still stitching at least one thread a day on it and now all that is left is the very top row of nine patches!!!
I am also working on finishing the calendar quilt (Pat Sloan). I still have a few more apliques that I want to fuse on there and once that is altogether it will be quilted and the DJ siggie quilt (on my sewing room wall) and the quilting the psalms quilt are next on the quilting list too!
So, I'm glad to have a few finishes and a few things that are in line to be finished too. I love what you said, Martha, about PPD, (post project depression) I realize now that maybe I keep a few in line so that I won't have to worry that the last thing I finished will be the last thing I finish. I need to have something to look forward to and I need to believe that there IS something to look forward too...I need...many, even if they are little, happy project thoughts...
My quilt project to-do list:
Quilting: Calendar quilt, DJ siggie quilt, Psalms quilt
Setting: Spring Fling quilt, Dick and Jane swap quilt, Nine Patch Swap quilt
Piecing: NJQS blocks, SBS blocks, DJ blocks,
Have a very Happy Friday, and many HPT's (Happy Project Thoughts) to you and yours!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
August Ogres and stuff
Have a lovely saturday!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
August Activities
Wow, I can't believe that it has been two months since I last posted. We went to the Oregon Coast and visited my family and we went up to MT and visited Lorilylee! ( Hi Lorilylee!) and we have been enjoying summer visits with friends, swim lessons for the kids, BBQ's and Potlucks and other summery stuff...
I am working on a few projects: I finished my quilting the Psalms top, although I am considering adding a white outside border to it. I have almost finished the Inklingo star struck swap quilt top. I'm on the last row of the Jack's Chain quilting. It seems like a long row looming ahead of me. I have been sewing weekly blocks for the Praying the Names of Jesus study, and I pieced a heart watercolor top from Carol Honderich.
The Jack's Chain has been so overwhelming at times. When I expressed my frustration to my friend, she told me "that is why they have quilting bees" Oh, I can understand much better now . We have been having craft nites at church a few times a month and it has been bringing together ladies of all ages to chat, have some tea and cake, and work on a hand craft project. The social time is what I look forward to but there are always threads that get done in my Inklingo top too and that is encouraging.